Are you looking for a fun and comfortable way to cruise around town? If so, then a tuk kolo is perfect for you! These are special bikes for riding in comfort. Their seats are pleasantly wide and gently cushioned, assisting you in sitting upright and comfortably when riding. The handlebars are nicely grippable and easy to steer. Another highlight are the big, fat tires. They add some extra cushion, so you know your ride is going to be smooth. You won't need to be worried about feeling every bump in the road!
At CN. SONG, there are a lot of fat tire cruiser bicycles available for you at NEWSPEED. You will find a bike that you like! Our bikes have various color and style. Whether you're into a classic bike that looks old-school, like a vintage showpiece, or prefer a style cool and hip, that sets you apart, we've got all that. You can enjoy selecting a bike according to your personality and style.
Fat tire cruiser bicycles are comfortable and aesthetic. They have nice shapes and bright designs to attract people wherever you go. One of our bikes will make you look and feel spectacular, whether you are riding at the beach with your friends or strolling through the thrilling city. When your bike looks great, every ride is more fun!
At CN. NEW With NEWSPEED, we believe style should be a perfect fit with comfort and quality. And that’s why we build our bikes to be fashionable and powerful. They are built with quality parts and sturdy frames, so you can ride with confidence. If you use the vehicle throughout time, you can believe in the biking life.
Fat tire cruiser bicycles can ride on any surface, one of the best things about them. That also means you can ride your bike on varying terrain! And these bikes offer wonderful maneuverability and control on soft sand as you may encounter while riding on the beach, rocky gravel paths or smooth pavement within the city. The fat tires keep you stable and allow you to ride on hard to ride paths that would challenge other bikes.
Fat tire cruiser bicycles ride like tanks and this is one of their cooler features. The wide tires also provide traction, including on loose or sandy surfaces. Which is what makes these bikes ideal for cruising on the beach, on the boardwalk, or anywhere where the surface might get a little finicky. It is made to give you balance while you ride so you will feel safe and secure while riding.
At CN. NEWSPEED Understand that stability and control are key when maneuvering a bicycle. We’ve built our fat tire cruiser bikes with unique features that will allow you to handle them with ease. This means you can ride with confidence, knowing you have what you set control over to stay safe and enjoy yourself out in the elements. Whether speeding up or slowing down, our bikes will make you feel in control.