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Enduro Fahrrad

Enduro bikes are unique type of cycling from which we call enduro biking. They are made to tackle the harshest and then trails that burrow deep into mountains. These bikes are super sturdy which means they can endure a lot of bumps, scratches and rough conditions without breaking down. The CN. NEWSPEED Enduro Fahrrad ist auch etwas Besonderes, und das sind die Fahrräder, die bergauf wie ein Ziegenbock fahren, aber auf der Abfahrt richtig Gas geben. Sie sind nicht nur aufregend zu fahren, sondern können heutzutage auch für eine Vielzahl von Straßen und Wegen verwendet werden


One of the biggest advantages to enduro bikes is that they can be multi-purposed for both paved roads and off-road paths. They are designed for steep and rocky trails, no walk in the park even if you are only riding. Loud means that it had its own form of suspension that helped in offering comfort every time you would travel over a path, just banging over a place that can possibly have potholes. So the ride is not uncomfortable as a steel frame means you will be feeling every single bump in your backside on longer rids. The rider feels more comfortable during the journey, thanks to maintaining wide array in fork travel. Moreover, enduro mountain bicycle have really wide tires that help in gripping the surface even better. It also proves handy when traversing on damp or wet trails as it ensures that you don't slip and meet with an accident.

Warum sollten Sie sich für ein Enduro-Fahrrad von CN.NEWSPEED entscheiden?

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